Saturday, July 16, 2011

Lead Me

There's an emptiness deep within my soul.
I ache as I feel the empty void grow.
I could reach for countless things to heal the pain.
But nothing comes close to the glory of your name.

I thought I had what we all long for.
It was fleeting and burnt me to the core.
Then you revealed yourself to me,
healed my heart and set me free.

I didn't realize that I was complete.
I thought I needed her for my heart to be replete.
I was foolish and ignorant, selfish and blind.
How quickly I forgot your love for mankind.

I still love her Lord. We have such great rapport.
Can you please put us back together once more?
There's something between us that I can't define.
I'm led to believe it's part of your design.

God I want to serve you. I want to be all that you will.
I think that I am better with a godly woman still.
Lead me forward Lord, show me the proper way.
Tell me what do and I promise to obey.